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A percentage can be considered a fraction with a denominator of 100. 25% is 25/100, which can be simplified to 1/4. Similarly, 20% is 20/100, which simplifies to 1/5. Thus, 1/4 is comparable to 1/5 by comparing 25% to 20%.

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Q: How can you use percents to compare two ratios with different denominators?
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When do you compare using ratios percents and rates and when do you compare using differences?

when you are specifically comparing 2 sets of data (2 #'s, 2 percents, 2 rates ect.)

What is the relation between ratios percents and proportions?

A proportion is a statement about the equality of two ratios.A percentage can be understood as a proportion in which one of the denominators is 100.

Are ratios percents?

No but percentages are ratios.

What are the ratios used for in heredity?

The ratios are percents, which can be calculated by a punnett square.

What is the relationship between ratios fractions and percents?

They are all different ways of representing the same thing: a relationship between two numbers.

How do you compare ratios-?

To compare ratios, compare the products of the outer terms by the inner terms.

Ratios that compare quantities of different units are called?

Proportion (i think...)

How do you describe a proportion?

A proportion is a statement that two ratios are equal. It is often written as a fraction with an equal sign between the numerators and denominators of the ratios. Proportions are used to compare the relationship between different quantities.

How do you teach ratios?

Ratios are like the same thing as percents,you have to find a number out of another number, you dont have to be a mastermind to learn and teach them.

How do ratios of side lengths compare for similar triangles?

they both have the same ratios

Are all percents ratios?

Yes, all percents are ratios.for example, 3% is 3/100.28% is 28/100 or 7/25.0% is 0/100 or 0.309% is 309/100 or 3 and 9/100.

How do the ratios of side lenghts compare for triangles that are not similar?

There are no ratios that can be used for triangles that are not similar.