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Mothns on Hand = (Average Investory/COGS)*12 Months

COGS: Cost of Goods Sold

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Q: How do you calculate the number of months on hand inventory?
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What is the differences between Days of Inventory On Hand and inventory turnover?

Number of days inventory in hand tells about how many day's inventory is available while inventory turnover tells about how many times in a fiscal year inventory is used to convert to finished goods for sale.

How do you calculate your car payment by hand?

Take the amount of loan and including interest charges. Then determine the length of the loan. Then divide it by the number of months it takes to complete term of loan. This will give you the monthly payments.

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A perpetual inventory system keeps track of inventory changes with every purchase, new order and return. This is different from the periodic inventory system where the inventory database is only updated once every several months. The perpetual inventory system, thanks to computing power, can help a small business know at all times what it has on hand, which allows it to place smaller orders at a time, which can help with the cash flow situation.

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What is excess stock in a business?

This is a general term that can have many specific meanings in specific industries or situations. Generally, businesses have a target of how much inventory they want to keep on hand - enough to fill orders until the next shipment comes in, or enough to fill orders on hand, depending upon how the specific business operates. Excess stock is when a business has more inventory on hand than it wants. It might be a retail business that tries to turn its inventory every two weeks, and they have six months' worth of something. Again, specific situations differ, but in general it just means they have more inventory on hand than they need or can afford or can use.

Explain just in time?

Just-in-time is an inventory system that is considered lean. With just-in-time inventory, a business doesn't have inventory on hand for customers.

Where is your inventory on YoVille?

You access your inventory by clicking on the box icon at the lower right hand side of the game window.

What would cause the inventory turnover ratio to increase the most?

Decreasing the amount of inventory on hand and increasing sales.

Where is the inventory on Howrse?

Go to Breeding, The Shop, and the inventory is off to the right hand side.On Howrse, the inventory can be found by clicking on profile > the shop, then looking down to the right hand side.

What is open inventory?

The amount of product on hand at a certain date.

What is the formula for days on hand inventory?

Days of Inventory On HandDefined: This calculation tells you that if you were to stop ordering merchandise, how soon would you have an empty building. Of course, that idea is incorrect because some of the merchandise is being reordered very frequently while other items may be such slow sellers that you order only one per year. This calculation gives another indication of inventory turn. With a smaller number, it is expected that your inventory is not very old, and that more of it is in saleable condition. It also represents a business that is in a more liquid position. Computed:Days of Inventory On Hand is calculated by first dividing the cost of goods sold by 360. Then divide the current inventory by the number you have just obtained with the first step. Days of Inventory On HandDefined: This calculation tells you that if you were to stop ordering merchandise, how soon would you have an empty building. Of course, that idea is incorrect because some of the merchandise is being reordered very frequently while other items may be such slow sellers that you order only one per year. This calculation gives another indication of inventory turn. With a smaller number, it is expected that your inventory is not very old, and that more of it is in saleable condition. It also represents a business that is in a more liquid position. Computed:Days of Inventory On Hand is calculated by first dividing the cost of goods sold by 360. Then divide the current inventory by the number you have just obtained with the first step.