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d = r * t

D is distance

R is rate

T is time

t = d / r

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Q: How do you calculate the time it takes to get somewhere when you have the distance and the rate?
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How can we calculate the time it takes to travel if we know distance and rate?

You can calculate the time it takes to travel by dividing the distance by the rate. The formula is time = distance / rate. This will give you the time in hours it takes to travel the given distance at the given rate.

How can you calculate the time it takes to travel if you know distance and rate?

Time equals distance divided by rate.

How do you calculate miles per hour for a certain distance?

The rate equals the distance divided by the time it takes to cover the distance. If you go 6 miles in 2 hours, the rate is 3 miles an hour.

How do you calculate the length of time it takes for a rocket ship to circle the earth?

Distance = (Rate) x (Time) or in this case: Time = Distance / Rate So figure out how far the rocket has to travel (distance) and at what speed (rate) and divide the two numbers.

How do you calculate how long it takes to drive in miles?

Distance equals Rate times Time. If you want to know the Time, divide the Distance by the Rate. 700 miles at 70 mph = 700/70 = 10 hours

It takes 100 000years for a plate to move about 14 kilometers calculate the rate if plate motion?

To calculate the rate of plate motion, divide the distance traveled by the time it took to travel that distance. In this case, the rate of plate motion is 14 kilometers divided by 100,000 years, which equals 0.00014 kilometers per year.

How do you calculate my time and the miles i travel?

If you take distance divided by rate you will get your time. Then if you take time by the rate you will get your distance.

How can you calculate the distance traveled if we know rate and time?

Multiply the quantities you know. Distance = (rate) x (time)

How can you calculate the rate of speed if we know distance and time?

Average speed during the time = (distance) divided by (time for that distance)

What two measurements must be known to calculate velocity?

To calculate velocity, you need to know both the object's displacement (change in position) and the time it takes for that displacement to occur. Velocity is the rate of change of position with respect to time.

The average speed of an object can be calculated by dividing the distance the object travels by the time it takes to move that distance.?

Correct, the formula to calculate average speed is distance divided by time. Average speed gives the overall rate at which an object is moving over a certain time interval.

How do you calculate the formula for distance?

== I'm pretty sure the formula for distance is: D== rt (Distance= rate x time) == The formula for distance is: speed x time.