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once flux density is known multiply to it the area perpendicular to the flux lines . the product is the total flux passing through the area. If field strength is known , get the flux density by pultiplying to it the permeability of the medium. then flux can be obtained as above. from : govind Kunkolienker

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Q: How do you calculate total flux when flux density and magnetic field strength has been?
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What does the relative density of lines of a magnetic field tell us about the strength of the field?

The relative density of lines in a magnetic field diagram indicates the strength of the magnetic field in that region. A higher density of lines represents a stronger magnetic field, while a lower density indicates a weaker field. The spacing between the lines also gives an idea of the field's intensity, with closer lines indicating stronger magnetic force.

Can density of magnetic field send parallel to infinity?

No, the density of a magnetic field cannot be sent parallel to infinity. The magnetic field strength decreases with distance from its source, meaning it will weaken as it spreads out from a source.

What is the limit for magnetic field developed for a DC machine?

The magnetic field used in machines is quantified in terms of its flux density (symbol: B), expressed in teslas. The flux density is established by the magnetic field strength (H), expressed in amperes per metre, set up in the field windings.As the magnetic field strength increases, the flux density increases until it reaches saturation. This is the point when the magnetic domains within the magnetic circuit are all aligned. At this point, any further increase in magnetic field strength will fail to increase the flux density.So saturation of the magnetic circuit limits the flux density of the field.

Can a magnetic force pass through gases?

Yes, magnetic fields can pass through gases. However, the strength and interaction of the magnetic field with the gas will depend on factors such as the type of gas, its density, and the strength of the magnetic field.

A magnetic field is described by magnetic lines of?

force that represent the direction in which a magnetic object would move if placed in the field. These lines form a pattern that helps to visualize the strength and direction of the magnetic field. The density of the lines indicates the strength of the magnetic field at a particular point.

How can you tell from the pictures where the magnetic fields are the strongest?

You can tell where the magnetic fields are strongest in a picture by looking for areas where the magnetic field lines are closest together, indicating a higher field strength. The density of the field lines represents the strength of the magnetic field.

How do you calculate the magnetic field strength in an injector cyclotron?

The magnetic field strength in an injector cyclotron is calculated using the equation B = (mv)/(qR), where B is the magnetic field strength, m is the mass of the particle, v is the velocity of the particle, q is the charge of the particle, and R is the radius of the cyclotron. By rearranging this equation, you can solve for B.

Do magnetic field lines close together indicate a weaker magnetic field?

No, magnetic field lines close together indicate a stronger magnetic field, while magnetic field lines farther apart indicate a weaker magnetic field. The density of field lines represents the strength of the magnetic field in that region.

What does crowding of magnetic field lines indicate?

Crowding of magnetic field lines indicates a stronger magnetic field in that area. The density of magnetic field lines is directly related to the strength of the magnetic field in a particular region. This can be observed in areas near magnetic poles or strong magnets.

Do field lines need that are close together indicate a weaker magnetic field?

No, field lines that are close together indicate a stronger magnetic field, not a weaker one. The density of field lines represents the strength of the magnetic field in that region.

Unit of magnetism are?

The unit of magnetism are: Weber for magnetic flux, Tesla for magnetic flux density and ampere per meter for magnetic field strength.

Describe magnetic line of induction?

Magnetic lines of induction, also known as magnetic field lines, are imaginary lines used to represent the direction and strength of a magnetic field. They always form closed loops, flowing from the north pole of a magnet to the south pole. The density of magnetic field lines indicates the strength of the magnetic field in a particular region.