Wiki User
To convert a fraction to a percentage you multiply the numerator by 100 and divide by the denominator... the numerator is the number above the line, in this case 13, and the denominator is the number below the line.
13 x 100 = 1300
1300 / 25 = 50
Answer: 50%
26/26 = 100%
13 over 50.
It is equal to 26%.
24/26 is 12/13 or 0.923 which is 92.3%
13/50 = 100*13/50 % = 26 %
13% is 26% of 50% .13% of 50% is 6.5% .
13 is 26% of 50.
26% = 13⁄50
26% = 26/100 = 13/50
26 over -13 = 13