A Knot is 1 Nautical mile per hour
1 Nautical mile = 1 minute of latitude = 1852m = 1.852 Km
hence 1 Knot = 1.852 Km/Hr (kph)
To convert 4 knots to kilometers per hour, you can use the conversion factor of 1 knot is approximately equal to 1.852 kilometers per hour. Multiply 4 knots by 1.852 to get the equivalent speed in kilometers per hour, which would be about 7.408 km/h.
Approximately 621 statute miles per hour or about 1,005 kilometers per hour.
1 kilometer per hour = 0.54 knots. 1 knot = 1.852 kilometers per hour.
879.7 kilometers per hour.
To convert 4.9 knots to miles per hour, you can multiply by 1.15078. Therefore, 4.9 knots is equal to approximately 5.64 miles per hour.
mph x 0.868976242 = knots per hour
Five knots is 9.26 km per hour.
23 knots is approximately equal to 26.5 miles per hour.
"41 knots" means 41 nautical miles per hour. In terms of a few other more familiar units: -- 75.9 kilometers per hour -- 69.2 feet per second -- 47.18 miles per hour
30 Knots = 55.56 Kilometers per Hour
A knot is one nautical mile, which is 1.852km. One knot per hour is therefore 1.852km/hAnswerA 'knot' is used to measure speed or velocity, and is equivalent to one nautical mile per hour. There is no such thing as a 'knot per hour'! A knot is equivalent to 1.852 km/h.
48 Km/hour