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I don't believe the graphic calculator has a cosine regression tool, but if you go to STAT, and CALC, there is a sin regression tool. If you hit enter on that then insert your L values, it will come up with a sin regression. The sin regression should be the same as a cosine regression, except that the sin regression should have a different value of C, usually getting rid of the value of C altogether will give you the correct regression.

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Q: How do you do a cosine regression on a graphic calculator?
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What does cosine mean on a calculator?

The same thing that cosine means in trigonometry, a calculator just allows you to calculate such functions quickly.

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You can calculate the cosine and then its reciprocal.

How do you find the angle of a cosine?

You mean, you have the cosine, and want the angle? That is called arc-cosine, often written as cos-1x. Your scientific calculator should have a "shift" key or something similar, which you press, followed by the cosine key. That will give you the inverse cosine or arc-cosine.

What is the cosine formula in trig?

so what you do is Soh Cah Toa, Cah for cosine so if you have a triangle you do the length of the adjacent divided by hypotenuse and the number you get (the rest depends on the calculator) you press 2nd or shift then cos button on your calculator. remember the calculator must be scientific the actual formula is cosine theta=a h then you write the numbers in and you should know the rest

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put in cosine in your calculator and then take the cosine of the length of the adjacent length over the length of the hypotenuses length

What is a calculator that can display and analyze graphs of mathematical functions called?

A graphic calculator.

Where is arcosine on a TI-84 calculator?

It is labeled as "cos-1" on the calculator. But arcosine and inverse cosine are just two names for the same thing.

When was the first graphic calculator invented?

abacus Casio made the first graphing calculator in 1985.

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A graphing calculator (also graphics / graphic calculator) typically refers to a class of handheld scientific calculators that are capable of plottinggraphs, solving simultaneous equations, and performing numerous other tasks with variables.

What is a graphic calculator?

A really smart hi tech calculator. The really good ones are really expensive.

How do you solve cosine 140?

Well, the usual way would be to use a scientific calculator - one that has support for trigonometric functions such as cosine. Make sure the calculator is set to "degrees", since I assume the "140" represents degrees. Of course you might also use the infinite series for the cosine function (which is basically what the calculator does). Convert the angle to radians, then use the infinite Tailor series: cos x = 1 - x2/2! + x4/4! - x6/6! + ...

What is the graphic representation of cosine function?

Just like the sine function displaced by pi/2. In other words the cosine equals 1 at 0 degrees, 0 at 90 degrees, -1 at 180 and so on.