I really hate math, so I used this handy concrete calculator.
Hope it helps.
What cubic yard ?, concrete, topsoil, bananas,
The price of one yard of concrete is $75.00 a cubic yard.
you need to ask per cubic yard.. and im trying to figure it out as well
Definition of the amount of concrete that (by volume) will fill on cubic yard of space.
$70 - $100 per cubic yard depending on supplier.
as a rule of thumb, 1 cubic yard of concrete weighs about 4,000lbs or 2 short tons
A Yard of Concrete? what unit is this? Linear? Cubic? Front yard or back? I suppose it is a Cubic Yard of Concrete. The answer is (36/3)*9 = 108sf
Each 60 pounds bag of ready mix concrete will make .45 cubic foot of concrete. There are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard. You will need 60 bags of 60 pound premixed concrete to make 1 cubic yard.
Approximately $93 per cubic yard. Note Prices vary by region, to get a more accurate estimate contact your local supplier
how much does a cubic yard of concrete cost in atlanta georgia
Concrete is typically measured in cubic yards or cubic meters to determine the amount needed for a project. It is important to calculate the volume of the space where the concrete will be poured to determine the amount needed. Concrete is usually ordered in increments of a cubic yard or cubic meter from suppliers.
27 cubic feet in one yard of concrete. $90.00 divided by 27cu.yds= $3.33/cu.ft.