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For example, to find the cube root of 5x5x5=125. In order to have the calculator show the cube root of 125, you need to enter the numbers in the following format. 125^(1/3) If you enter that in your TI-84 Plus exactly as its written above, it should come up with 5 as the answer. Notice the (1/3) at the end. This is the "cube." If you want to find the root of a number to, say, the 5th power you would use the following format in the example problem below. Example problem: 4x4x4x4x4=1024 Format for calculator: 1024^(1/5) Basically you put the number in front, followed by the carrot symbol ( ^ ) with the fraction (1/5), the 5 being the power of the number (the amount of times you multiplied 4 to get 1024). You have to put it in parenthesis and you have to put it as a fraction with the power as the denominator.

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Q: How do you find cube roots on a TI-84 Plus?
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How do you find cube root of 1?

The real cube root of 1 is 1, since 13 = 1. There also a pair of complex cube roots.

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You can find the roots with the quadratic equation (a = 1, b = 3, c = -5).

How do you determine the cube root of 7?

Many calculators will offer a way for you to do cube roots, or what number to the power of 3 will equal that number. There is no easy way to go about finding cube roots without a calculator, so I suggest not trying too hard.. but the cube root of 7 is 1.912931182772389 found from using a simple Cube Root calculator you can find on the internet.

What is the answer if you Find all the roots of the equation x4 - 2x3 plus 14x2 - 18x plus 45 0 given that 1 plus 2i is one of its roots.?

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What is the cube root of 6 in fraction?

Most square roots, cube roots, etc. - including this one - are irrational numbers. That means you can't write them exactly as a fraction. Of course, you can calculate the cubic root with a calculator or with Excel, then find a fraction that is fairly close to it.