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At a newborn Chao: First you have to recarnate or Transform a Chao at least twice then give it one of every animal NO CHAO DRIVES and depending on if you want a Light Chao, Devil Chao, and Angel Chao you pet it with good or bad characters: Light Chao, Good and bad. Angel Chao, Good only. Devil Chao, bad only. What you do in the first two lives don't matter. So you hit it or love it or what ever in the first two or so lives. (To Transform the Chao they have to die and if they like you they will leave a egg.(Wich is there next live.)) If you are not sattisfide with this go to Chao At a newborn Chao: First you have to recarnate or Transform a Chao at least twice then give it one of every animal NO CHAO DRIVES and depending on if you want a Light Chao, Devil Chao, and Angel Chao you pet it with good or bad characters: Light Chao, Good and bad. Angel Chao, Good only. Devil Chao, bad only. What you do in the first two lives don't matter. So you hit it or love it or what ever in the first two or so lives. (To Transform the Chao they have to die and if they like you they will leave a egg.(Wich is there next live.)) If you are not satisfied with this go to Chao

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Q: How do you get a chaos choa?
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To get a knuckles choa get a red choa and give it a skeleton dog.Then put a red egg shell on it.Then give it power and fly chaos drives.Make sure it is a neutral and when it evolves you can throw your choa at the wall and the egg shell will pop off.and it should look close to knuckles.

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To make a choa dark you must be a bad parent. Scole him every once in a while. Constantly feed him dark choa fruits even if he dosent like it.

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How do you create chaos choa in sonic adventure 2 battle?

To make a Chaos Chao you have to reincarnate your Chao at least twice. After that, give it 1 of each out of all 21 animals (Note: Do not give them Chaos Drives!). Yes, you can feed your Chao too. If you want it to be an Angel Chaos Chao, raise it with any Hero character: Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles. If you want it to be a Devil Chaos Chao, raise it with any Dark character: Shadow, Eggman, or Rouge. If you want it to be a Light Chao, raise it with a mixture between the Hero and Dark characters and keep it Neutral. When it evolves, it should be a Chaos Chao. Hope that helped! :]

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How do you make a shiny choa that changes colors?

first of all you buy a shiny egg. and you raise until adulthood then you do the same with a normal choa. then this is the important part, you buy two heart fruit and give it to the normal choa first and then the shiny and the baby is shiny and changes colors. [repeat if necessary]

What actors and actresses appeared in Anurager Choa - 1986?

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