Find all essential prime implicants
Cover the remaining 1's/0's with as few as possible prime implicants
SOP = EPIs + (as few as possible)PIs
POS = (EPIs)(as few as possible PIs)
SOP (sum of products) gives you the answer and POS does not (Unless applying De Morgan's law)
it is easy just use de morgan's law (ab)'=a'+b' (a+b)'=a'b' for e.g pos=(a+b+c)(a'+b+c') sop=abc+a'bc' i hope it is clear and easy :)
take the whole compliment, since POS is a dual to the SOP form,In the following we apply de-morgan's laws which are : (a+b)' = a' b' ; (ab)' = a' + b'(A'CD + E'F + BCD)'= (A'CD + E'F)' * (BCD)'= (A'CD)' * (E'F)' * (BCD)'= ((A')' + C' + D' ) * ( (E')' + F' ) * (B' + C' + D')= (A + C' + D' ) * ( E + F') * (B' + C' + D')which is the product of sums, that is POS form!
The process model
i heard it was seven days then your worry free
These words can be made from the word mops: poms mop pom mos oms ops pos som sop mo om op po os so
The population of Sop Tui is 15,100.
The population of Sop Pat is 5,905.
Sop Khong's population is 6,285.
Sop Moei's population is 7,015.
Sop Tia's population is 12,739.
Sop Poeng's population is 7,977.