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Okay, so you have two objects, a flag pole and a person. The flag pole's shadow is 20 ft and you don't know what the height is. The person is 5 ft tall and cast a shadow of 10ft. You then set up a proportion, the poles height (which is x for now) over the persons height and put the flags shadow over the persons shadow. This should look like this:

x = 20ft By the way, there should be lines but I can't do it on this... Sorry!

5ft 10ft Anyway, you cross multiply and should get 100=10x. Then, divide both sides by 10 since you need to isolate x and you get 10=x or x=10 which means that the height of the flag pole is 10ft. You can basically figure out some-thing's height by the shadow and the comparison to another object. (Or vice. verse)

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Q: How do you solve indirect measurement problems?
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Indirect measurement is a measurement that is not obtained from a measurement tool; it is a technique that obtains a measurement when direct measurement is not possible. In software metrics work, indirect measures associate a measure to a feature of the object being measured. An example is basing quality on counting rejects. Indirect measures include functionality, quality, complexity, efficiency, reliability, and maintainability.

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Indirect methods of measurement are appropriate when direct measurement is not feasible or accurate enough. This can be due to limitations in accessing the object being measured or restrictions in using conventional measuring tools. Indirect methods are often used in scientific research or in situations where precision is less critical.

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The limitations of the calculated and indirect volume measurement is that its use is limited. It cannot be used in cases whereby a given object is soluble in water or absorbs water.

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