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Right this is not easy but you have to trust me .

Step 1 : Get a knife or wallpaper scissors .

Step 2 : Put it underneath the knot .

Step 3 : Twist it around up and down .

By now you should be free but it does take time .

To get there you need to hop , put down your object near a soft landing , land in that soft landing then cut free.

Thank you and goodbye

Amanda Wild .

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Q: How do you untie a knot in a rope with one end tied to your wrist and one end tied to your ankle?
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A knot

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a knot in a rope is a point

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One method is to form a loop with the rope, then pass one end through the loop and around the other end before pulling tight. This technique allows you to tie a knot without releasing the ends of the rope.

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If this is a reference to the rope around the High Priest's ankle then the story is not in the Bible.

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figure eight

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rethreaded figure of eight with a stopper knot

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