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A fourth of a pound is the same as a quarter of a pound,a pound is sixtenn ounces so a quarter of a pound is 4 ounces....about a handfull for a 5 year old id say!

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Q: How much is one fourth of a pound of paper mache?
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Related questions

How long does paper mache take to dry?

It can take 2- 3 1/2. Depends on how much glue you put on the paper mache and if you used the right glue.

How much is a fourth pound in decimal?

It is 0.25 pound.

How much water do you use to make paper mache?

Use Flour and Boil Water For Three To Four Minutes Then Let It Cool

How much paper mache do you have to make to cover half of a gallon jug?

Without getting into complicated calculations based on shrinkage rates and so forth the easy way to estimate how much you will need is just to wrap the jug with strips of the dry paper. Rip the paper into strips (which you will probably do anyway) then wrap it around your jug to as thick as you would like it to be. On the assumption that whatever water or paste you add to make the mache will mostly evaporate you can assume that the paper needed to wrap the jug to the thickness you want, is near enough the amount you should use to make up your papir mache. A bit of water paste will hold the paper strips in place whilst you wrap the jug and then will dissolve into the papier mache when you make it.

How much do slugs weigh?

Slugs weigh one fourth of a pound.

Will paper mache stick to tape?

technically, yes. wallpaper paste will do. all you do is mix the powder with water and stir. voila! you have paper mache glue. just apply the glue to the paper (newspaper will do) very carefully, don't use too much. hope it helped!

How much does a paper wasp weigh?

About 1/2 pound. :)

Easy science projects?

An easy science project is the solar system! There is so much on it and it is easy to find information on!

How do you make a ball out of paper mache?

Probably the best way to make a paper mache ball is to first plan what size of ball you wish and what kind of frame you will use to shape it. Many like to use balloons which can be popped after the paper mache has dried, leaving a shell. Balloons however are rarely perfectly round and so others use wire frames, styrofoam, old sports balls - basically anything round that won't be missed! The best way to get some ideas is to go to "Goggle Image Search" and type "Paper mache ball" and a plethora of ornaments and works will reveal themselves to you. Some links below are some variations worth perusing.

How much is 1 pound of paper?

The cost of 1 pound of paper can vary depending on factors such as quality, type (e.g., recycled, specialty), and brand. On average, a pound of standard copier paper typically ranges from $0.10 to $0.30. Specialty and high-quality paper can cost more per pound.

If there is three fourths of a pound of mints for 3 students how much would each student get?

If divided equally, one fourth of a pound.

What is heavier a pound of gold or a ton of paper?

A ton of paper is heavier than a pound of gold. A ton is equivalent to 2,000 pounds, so a ton of paper is much heavier than a pound of gold.