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Multiply the width in inches by the length in inches.

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Q: How to figure the Net square inches of aluminum sheet?
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How many square inches are in a 5ft by 5ft plywood sheet?

3,600 square inches.

What is the area of a sheet of binder paper which is 8 inches by 11 inches?

88 square inches.

What is the weight of aluminum sheet per square feet?

depends on the thickness of the aluminum (3.25 or 4.25 or 4.5 mm) thickness

What is the area in square inches of an ordinary piece of copy paper?

93.5 square inches (for an 8.5" x 11" sheet).

How many cubic inches are in a sq foot?

None."Cubic inch" is a unit of volume or capacity, as of a bottle or a box. It tells you how much waterthe figure can hold."Square inch" is a unit of area or coverage, as of a sheet of paper or a rug. It tells you how muchthe figure covers of the table-top or floor. No number of square inches can hold any water.

How many square feet are in a sheet of plywood measuring 4 inches wide and 12 inches long?

1/3 square foot.

How many square inches could you cut out of a piece of 11 x 14 sheet of paper?

If the paper is in inches then 11 times 14 = 154 square inches

How many square inches are in a piece of sheet metal two inches x five inches x eight inches x eight inches?


How thick is 10mil in sheet copper I need to relate it to something I can understand like aluminum foil?

10 mils is equivalent to 0.01 inches or roughly the thickness of 12 sheets of aluminum foil stacked together. So, a sheet of copper that is 10mil thick would be about the same thickness as 12 sheets of aluminum foil.

What is the area of a sheet of paper that measures 8 inches by 6 inches and forming 4 congruent rectangles?

The area is 48 square inches.

What is the name of 9x12 paper?

12x12 paper is 12 inches on each side; the area of a sheet of 12x12 paper is 144 square inches or one square foot.

How much does 1 square inch of 032 aluminum weigh?

.032 Aluminum sheet typically weighs about .45lbs per square foot. Do one square inch would be 1/144th of that, or .003lbs. A little under 1/10th of an ounce