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I have the new 5th generation navi in my rx350. I never tried to change it to yards but a suggestion is: at the bottom of your screen you will see a + and a - symbol on each end of the screen. My only suggestion is to slide between the two and see how close you can get to yards. I doubt it will bring you that close however, but it's worth a try.I would like to know myself if anyone else can offer any suggestions.

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Q: How do you change the navigation system from kilometers to yards?
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How do you convert kilometers into yards?

kilometers x 1,093.6 = yards

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205 kilometers are 224,190 yards.

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110 yards = 0.1 kilometers.

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5 kilometers = 5,468.07 yards.

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There are 9842.5197 yards in 9 kilometers.

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13 kilometers = 14,216.9729 yards.

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10.5 kilometers = 11,482.94 yards.

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5,000 yards are 4.572 kilometers.

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1,000 yards = 0.9144 kilometers

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1.2 kilometers=1,312.33596 yards

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1500 kilometers = 1,640,419.95 yards.