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How long it takes to spend any amount of money depends on how fast you spend it, on whether you are frugal or frequently buy large expensive items. Governments can spend a billion in a matter of days, or even less, depending on what government activity you are looking at.

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Q: How many years will it take to spend 1 billion?
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How many years will it take to spend 1 billion dollars?

you could spend a billion dollars in a day if you really wanted to. Just order everything your heart desires. But if your talking about 66,666 years spending the average low income of 15,000 a year.

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About 137 years at that rate.

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Fifty thousand days or roughly 137 years.

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It would take you 1000 days. (~2.74 years - )

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A billion is 1,000,000,000 dollars. The answer is 1,000,000 days or 2740 years!!!

How many years does it take for a billion seconds to go by?

31.688 years.

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31.689 years.

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One Billion!

If I spend 1000 per second how long will it take to reach 1 billion dollars?

1,000,000,000,000 = 1 billion 1,000 divided by 1 billion = 1,000,000,000 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365 = 31.71 years the above answer is wrong there are 31 years in a billion seconds if you take 1000 times by 60 for a min thats 60,000 dollarstimes by 60 for an hour thats $3,600,000 times by 24 which is $86,400,000 a day so it would take a little over 11.3225 days to spend said 1 billion at a thousand a seconds

How long will it take to spend a billion dollars if you spend a dollar a second?

A billion seconds!!16 666 666.7 Minutes