it depends how long the lengnth of a leaf is. The longer its life time the longer it will will also depend on the type of leaf.
The length of a leaf is typically referred to as the leaf blade length.
Measure the outline of the leaf; the exact perimeter will vary with the size of the leaf.
it can change length
a ruler
The average length of a hibiscus tree leaf can range from 3 to 6 inches, but this can vary depending on the specific species of hibiscus.
A set of leaf spring that is so mounted that it is at right angles to the length of the Vehicle is known as the transverse leaf spring.
The extra entail gap found between the extra full length leaf and graduated length leaf is called as nip. Such pre stressing achieved by a difference in the radius of curvature is known as nipping
A ruler or a measuring tape can be used to measure the length of a leaf. Simply lay the leaf flat on a surface and measure from the base of the leaf to the tip.
The leaf of the Sturt's Desert Pea averages 15 mm in length.
A Ruler would be sufficient.--SpOnGii
:3 feet
it is 57inches to the bolt centers.cheroke are51inches