In the United States, cook books will sometimes reference cans by size. These sizes are currently published by the Can Manufacturers Institute and may be expressed in three-digit numbers, as measured in whole and sixteenths of an inch for the container's nominal outside dimensions: a 307 x 512 would thus measure 3 and 7/16" in diameter by 5 and 3/4" (12/16") in height. Notice that this is not in millimetres. Older can numbers are often expressed as single digits, their contents being calculated for room-temperature water as approximately eleven ounces (#1 "picnic" can), twenty ounces (#2), thirty-two ounces (#3) fifty-eight ounces (#5) and one-hundred-ten ounces (#10
size 1 = size 8, size 2 = size 10, size 3 = size 12, size 4 = size 14 and size 5 = size 16. Well, at least it is for Hollister clothes and the American clothes I've bought. Hope this helps a little. ( the number before the '=' is the American number, also the number after the sign is the Europe number)
That depends: * On the size of the 3D object * On the size of the cubes
the world ranks number 3 in size compared to the rest of the world... ;)
The standard size of the ball
By drill code number, SAE size, metric size.
R = r0A1/3 Where R is nuclear radius (I'm assuming this is your chosen measure of size), r0 is the constant 1.05fm and A is the nucleon number, or mass number.
she wears a size 12 in female sizes
Scan the postfix expression from left to right and count the number of values and the number of operators. The maximum value of their difference is the required stack size. Eg: 1 2 3 + 4 + * 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 The maximum is 3.
serial number model size
1967 1600cc Type 3
The US is number 4 in terms of physical size, with a total land area of around 3.8 million square miles. In terms of population size, the US is number 3, with a population of over 330 million people.
Wire sizing is based on the amperage of the connected load. The wire size number 12 is rated at 20 amps.