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Many chiropractors chose to address just neuromusculoskeletal problems (aka joint pain). However, many chiropractors have additional certifications that will address many other problems. Some of the certifications might be LMT, CSCS, CCSP, or LAc, or a myraid of other initials after their name. I am a chiropractor that works on many different soft tissue problems to include: Plantar Fasciitis, Rotator Cuff Tendonitis/osis, Sprain/Strain, Headaches, Piriformis Syndrome, Trigger points, Shin Splints, Muscle knots, Ankle sprains, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Achilles Tendinitis, Tennis Elbow, Golfers Elbow, Frozen Shoulder, Heel pain, Scar pain, Muscle Spasm, Intercostal pain, and a variety of other soft tissue injuries from MVAs. If you are looking for a chiropractor that treats a variety of pain that is not related to joints, all I can say is that you should consider visiting a chiropractor in your area (preferably one that is recommended from friends or family) and see what he finds after an initial exam. There are many patients that present for treatment and after examining and palpating them, find problem areas that they were not even aware of. Most everyone thinks chiropractors only help with neck pain and lower Back pain. There is a sub-specialty of chiropractors that treat internal disorders, Nutrition specialist, sports chiropractors, and orthopedics, neurology, radiology, and new ones are being developed. Doctors of Chiropractors have as many as 300 different techniques that they can specialize in and many chose to become really proficient in just a handful of techniques. For example I am working on getting my CSCS certification, which will lead to my CCSP. I am also finishing up my Masters in Nutrition and will work on my Nutrition Diplomate (pronounced Dip-lo-mate) and there are numerous continuing education courses that chiropractors are required to take, this is how you can find out if your chiropractor is up on his current technique. Ask him about his recent continuing education courses. I have dabbled in acupuncture, nutrition, massage, ART, Graston, Atlas Orthogonal, and Personal Injury courses. It is amazing how one course gets you interested in so many different courses. I hope this answers the many questions the public has about what chiropractors treat. If you have a specific question regarding what chiropractor can help with or just want to ask a question regarding a medical problem, don't hesitate to call. Dr. LoGiudice, D. C. 503-908-0122

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The schedule for chiropractors differ depending on the office. Some chiropractors work for themselves, and take appointments seven days a week. Other chiropractors have a Monday through Friday, 9 to 5 drop office.

Were do chiropractors have to work?

Interesting question... Chiropractors can work pretty much anywhere. They may have a home office, they may make house calls, they may have a completely separate office. Sometimes chiropractors will work with other health professionals. This is of course a personal choice as chiropractors have a different philosophy on how the body works from what mainstream medicine believes to be true. To answer your question chiropractors can practice almost anywhere depending on some residential zoning restrictions.

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Are there chiropractors who work on pregnant women?

Most chiropractors should not have a problem working on a pregnant woman. There are probably some adjustments they will avoid and they will certainly not take X-rays, but there are many things they can do to relieve your discomfort.

When you go to the chiropractor do you have to be naked?

No. Chiropractors need you to be relaxed and they'll do almost anything to get you to that state. Otherwise their work is for nothing. Your shirt will only come off if you want to and everything else stays on. Also, if you're a minor, you can bring in your parents if you want. If you're worried, check out some videos by chiropractors on Youtube to see how a visit actually works. You'll see there's nothing to be scared of.

What is the specific reason for chiropractors?

Chiropractors are specially trained to deal with treating injuries to the back and spine.

What the American Medical Association hostile to chiropractors?

AMA members were advised that it was unethical to be associated with chiropractors

Who manages chiropractors?

Chiropractors are autonomous health care providers whose practice does not require the supervision or management of a physician. Chiropractors are regulated by the laws of the state in which they practice, as well as by the rules of their state chiropractic board.

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Some practitioners use spinal manipulation to the exclusion of all other modalities, and are known as straight chiropractors

Can an unlicensed massage therapy work with a licensed chiropractic?

Yes, but only on the chiropractors patients with the chiropractor in the office at the time the massage is being conducted.