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A lot! The US Energy Information Administration says that the Vermont Yankee has a capacity of 620 megawatts during the summer. To generate 5 megawatts of solar power requires a solar farm about 30-35 acres large. Since 620 divided by 5 is 124, you would need 124 x 30 acres of solar plants. That comes to a total of 3,720 acres! One acre is 43,560 square feet. This means that it would require 162,043,200 square feet of solar farm to replace the facility which takes up less than one acre. And that's based on the low estimate.

If you are looking for alternatives to the Vermont Yankee, I suggest you look elsewhere, because solar won't do it in Vermont.

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1d ago

The Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant had a capacity of 620 MW. A solar panel typically generates about 10-20 watts per square foot. Therefore, you would need approximately 31,000,000 to 62,000,000 square feet of solar panels to replace the power output of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant.

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Two main forces in a star?

The two main forces in a star are gravity and nuclear fusion. Gravity pulls matter inward, compressing it and creating the high pressure and temperature needed for nuclear fusion to occur. Nuclear fusion releases energy as light and heat, which counteracts the force of gravity trying to collapse the star.

How many nuclear warheads would it take to end life on earth?

It is difficult to determine an exact number of nuclear warheads needed to end all life on Earth as it would depend on various factors such as targeting and the size of the warheads. However, it is believed that even a small fraction of the world's nuclear arsenal could potentially cause catastrophic global consequences.

What is the starting energy of the sun?

The Sun's energy comes from nuclear fusion in its core, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of photons. The Sun converts about 4 million tons of mass into energy every second, resulting in the emission of light and heat.

What energy source would allow the sun to shine 5 billion years?

The sun shines due to nuclear fusion in its core, where hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium. This process provides the sun with the energy needed to shine, and it is estimated that the sun will continue to shine for another 5 billion years before it exhausts its hydrogen fuel and transitions to the next stage of its life cycle.

Why doesnt a Brown Dwarf become a real star?

A brown dwarf lacks sufficient mass to sustain nuclear fusion in its core, which is required for a celestial body to become a star. Due to their mass being lower than that required for sustained fusion, brown dwarfs are often referred to as "failed stars." Without fusion, they cannot produce enough energy to shine brightly like a star.

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suk ur mummy