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Ah, time is like adding another shade of blue to your painting. It's a fourth dimension where we experience change and movement in the universe. Just like gentle strokes on a canvas, we move forward through time as we create our own masterpieces.

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1mo ago
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1mo ago

In our boring everyday lives, we experience time in good ol' three-dimensional space - specifically, the 4th dimension. So next time someone asks you for the time, tell them you're currently living in a fabulously quirky dimension called spacetime. That'll make you popular at parties, trust me.

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1mo ago

Oh, dude, time is experienced in the fourth dimension. Like, you've got your three dimensions for space - length, width, and height - and then time swoops in like, "Hey, I'm the fourth dimension, let's mess things up a bit." So yeah, time's just chilling in the fourth dimension, making everything all wibbly-wobbly.

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1mo ago

Time is experienced in the fourth dimension. In physics, spacetime is considered a four-dimensional continuum that consists of three dimensions of space (length, width, and height) and one dimension of time. This concept was first introduced by Albert Einstein in his theory of general relativity, where space and time are viewed as interconnected aspects of a single entity known as spacetime. In this framework, events are specified by their positions in both space and time coordinates, which together form a spacetime metric. Time is thus considered as a fundamental dimension along with the three spatial dimensions, playing a crucial role in how events are observed and understood within the fabric of spacetime.

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1mo ago

Time is experienced in the fourth dimension.

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Depends what u mean by dimension it is not a spacial dimen no but roughness could be a dimension ( just a theory) If time is a dimension that mens we are flowing through it and everything has a set path and we have no control over ourselves also time travel can only be real if time is a dimension and if it is we could predict the future as everything has a set path (i f time is a dimension.

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The dimension of impulse is equivalent to the dimension of momentum, which is mass multiplied by velocity, or kg*m/s.

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Time is not the fourth dimension, because time is a singularity. The Past, Present and Future are in the "Now".

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the fourth dimension is the theory of time ,soul and consionces

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It can be anything you like, although often it is time.

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An "other dimension" is a dimension other than the three dimensions of space and one of time that we normally experience.

Which are the eleven dimensions in universe?

The first dimension is primary (length). The second dimension is secondary (width). The third dimmension is tertiary (height). Those are the 3 basic spatial dimensions. The fourth dimension is time. The fifth dimension is the rotation of primary. The sixth dimension is the rotation of secondary (and primary). The seventh dimension is the rotation of tertiary (secondary and primary). The eighth dimension is the pulse of time. The ninth dimension is the energy radiation of primary. The tenth dimension is the energy radiation of secondary. The eleventh dimension is the energy radiation of tertiary. In total there are 10 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension, in other words, 11 spacetime dimensions.

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The unification of time and space, known as spacetime is the 4th dimension in time. The eternal now is perceived as the 5th dimension in time.