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Oh honey, I may be sassy, but I'm not a psychic! The universe is vast and mysterious, so who really knows if space-time is infinite or not? Scientists have different theories, but until we have definitive proof, it's all just a wild cosmic guessing game, sweetheart.

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1mo ago
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1mo ago

The concept of space-time being infinite is still a topic of debate among scientists. Some theories suggest that space-time could be finite but unbounded, while others propose that it could be infinite. Further research and exploration are needed to fully understand the nature of space-time.

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1mo ago

Ahh, such a peaceful thought, imagining the boundless expanse of space and time stretching into eternity. While the true nature of spacetime is still a mystery that scientists ponder, remember that no matter how vast it may seem, there is wonder and beauty in the mysteries of the unknown. Embrace the infiniteness of the cosmos and let your imagination wander among the twinkling stars.

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1mo ago

Oh, dude, space-time is like a never-ending sci-fi movie marathon. Technically, according to current theories, space-time could be infinite, but try wrapping your head around that after hitting the cosmic joint a few too many times, am I right? Just remember, the universe is vast and mysterious, kind of like my snack stash after a smoke session.

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1mo ago

Space-time is the four-dimensional framework in which we perceive the universe – three dimensions of space combined with one dimension of time.

Whether space-time is infinite is still a topic of debate in the field of cosmology. According to the prevailing scientific understanding, the universe itself is believed to be finite but unbounded. This means that while the universe has a finite volume, it does not have an edge or boundary in three-dimensional space.

However, when considering the concept of space-time in the context of the expansion of the universe, it is possible that space-time could be infinite. The current model of the universe suggests that space itself is expanding, but it is not expanding into anything; it is the fabric of space itself that is stretching.

This expansion implies that the universe could be infinite in size, with an infinite amount of space between galaxies and celestial bodies. In this scenario, space-time would continue indefinitely without reaching a boundary or edge.

In summary, while the finite but unbounded model of the universe is widely accepted, the possibility of an infinite space-time configuration in the expanding universe cannot be definitively ruled out. Ongoing research and observations in cosmology continue to shed light on the nature of space-time and the structure of the universe.

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Q: Is space time infinite
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Will Outer Space Ever End?

Outer space itself does not "end" as it is infinite. However, the expansion of the universe may cause galaxies to move away from each other at accelerating rates over time, but the concept of space ending as a physical entity is not supported by current scientific understanding.

How come it is hard for us to understand that space time ect is infinite?

It can be challenging for us to grasp the concept of infinity because our daily experiences are limited to finite objects and timeframes. Our brains are not naturally equipped to visualize infinity, as it goes beyond our everyday experience and intuition. It requires abstract and complex thinking to comprehend the infinite nature of space, time, and other aspects of the universe.

Whats at the end of space?

The end of space is not clearly defined as space is thought to be infinite. The observable universe has a boundary known as the observable horizon, which is the farthest we can see, but it is not the end of space itself.

Did Einstein believe in a finite universe?

Einstein believed in a finite but unbounded universe, where space-time is curved but does not have any boundaries or edges. This view is consistent with his general theory of relativity, which describes how gravity affects the curvature of space-time.

Why to not explore space?

Space is so vast and can be considered as infinite. Space has no exact measurement right now. If we explore further, we need stronger equipments and advance probes and telescope to explore more about the space.

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A thing does not have to be finite for it to exist. Furthermore, it is possible that time is not infinite but when the Big Crunch happens, space-time will cease to exist.

When did Infinite Space happen?

Infinite Space happened in 2009.

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Time doesn't end. It never will. Space and time are woven together to make the 4 diminutional space time fabric that makes up the universe. Space is infinite, therefore, time must be infinite too. In the "beginning" there was no time. It didn't exist yet. In the biggining there was no space as well. It was all contained into and infinitely small and infinitely dense point then the big bang caused the never ending expansion of space AND time.

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Infinite Space was created on 2009-06-11.

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Infinite time because every thing is always new.....

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Strange Adventures in Infinite Space was created in 2002.

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Strange Adventures in Infinite Space happened in 2002.

Is there an end to outer space?

Space is infinite!

What are inside a black hole in space?

In the center of a black hole is a region of spacetime called a singularity, a dimensionless point of infinite density, infinite gravity and infinite space time curvature, where the familiar physical laws of the universe no longer seem to apply, and counter-intuitive effects may be apparent, like the complete stoppage of time itself.

How do you prove space as infinite mathematically?

There is no mathematical proof that space is infinite. All we know is that there is an expanding limit to what we can see.

What is a probability model with infinite sample space?

The time taken between your posting this question and receiving a reply.

Is time infinite?

I don't know.There was a beginning (about 13.7 billion years ago),but whether or not there is an end depends on whether the universe is closed or not.(see 'big bang' & 'big crunch')Time and EternityAs time is a dimension of duration in covariance or equilibrium with space, if the one were found to be infinite then it follows that the other would be also. Since time and space are currently measurable in units known as light years, which use the velocity of light as a standard to determine distance covered in time at a known velocity, then to measure an infinite duration of time extending through an infinite expanse of space would require a unit of infinite velocity.Paradoxically, a unit of infinite velocity would measure everything it was applied to in no time at all and would have the ability to be everywhere at once. This is, in fact, a key ingredient of Eternity.Proof that Time Cannot be InfiniteHere is a simple proof, slightly modified from Kalam, that suggests time cannot be infinite. 1. An infinite amount of time has no end.2. But now is an end in time.3. Therefore, time is not infinite.Looking at this from another angle, it is illogical to think that if an infinite past exists, that the present could ever occur. If the past is infinite, there isn't enough time to ever arrive at a present!