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My almanac lists the average distance from earth to moon as 384,401 km. Round trip = 768,802 km. Time = (distance) divided by (speed) = (768,802,000) / (3.8 x 108) = (7.68802 x 108) / (3.8 x 108) = 2.563 seconds (rounded)

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1w ago

The round trip for the light beam to the moon and back to Earth would take approximately 2.56 seconds. This is calculated by doubling the time it takes for light to travel from Earth to the moon at the speed of light, which is about 1.28 seconds each way.

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Q: The distance from Earth to the moon is about 3.8 x 108 m A beam of light is sent to the moon and after it reflects returns to Earth How long did it take to make the round trip?
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