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Q: What is the fraction of solar radiation that is reflected off the surface of an object calle?
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What is the percentage of solar radiation reflected from a surface?

This is called the "albedo." It is the ratio of reflected light compared to incident light, and depends on the surface material and its condition (e.g. snow, grassland).

The reflective quality of a surface is known as its?

The reflective quality of a surface is known as its reflectance or reflectivity. It refers to the proportion of light that is reflected by a surface compared to the total amount of light that hits it.

What happens when light hits the surface of an object an angle?

When light hits the surface of an object at an angle, it can be reflected (bounced off), refracted (bent), or absorbed by the object. The amount of light that is reflected or refracted depends on the surface properties of the object, such as smoothness and transparency.

What is the light called when it has bounced off another object?

The light that has bounced off another object is typically referred to as reflected light. This occurs when light waves strike the surface of an object and are redirected or "reflected" off the surface.

What happens to colors that are not absorbed by the object?

Colors that are not absorbed by an object are typically reflected off the surface of the object. These reflected colors are what we see and perceive with our eyes, giving the object its visible color.

What two things happen to light when it strikes to an object?

When light strikes an object, it can be absorbed by the object, converting into other forms of energy, or it can be reflected off the object's surface, allowing us to see the object if the reflected light reaches our eyes.

What is it called when radiation bounces off an object's surface?

That process is called reflection. Radiation can bounce off the surface of an object, changing direction but maintaining its energy.

When light hits an object it can be?

reflected, transmitted, or absorbed depending on the properties of the object's surface and material.

Can light energy be reflected by an object into your eyes?

Yes, light energy can be reflected by an object into your eyes. When light strikes an object, it can bounce off the surface in different directions. Some of this reflected light may enter your eyes, allowing you to see the object.

How much solar energy is absorbed and how much is reflected from the earth's surface?

Roughly 70% of solar energy is absorbed by Earth's surface and atmosphere, while about 30% is reflected back into space. This balance is important for regulating Earth's temperature and sustaining life on our planet.

What two factors influence the color of an object?

The color of an object is influenced by two main factors: the wavelength of light that is reflected or absorbed by the object, and the composition of the object's surface that determines which wavelengths are absorbed and which are reflected.

Which type of body heat loss is characterized by heat transfer from the surface of one object to the surface of another object without actual contact?

Radiation is the type of body heat loss characterized by heat transfer from the surface of one object to the surface of another object without actual contact. This occurs through electromagnetic waves emitted by the warmer object and absorbed by the cooler object.