The name of the biggest star so far known to man is called VY Canis Majoris.
The biggest achievement according to roadies is the first woman to travel to space. The biggest achievement according to roadies is the first man to travel to space.
is the virus
Starburst candy was invented in the UK in 1960 by a man named Peter Phillips. The candy was originally known as Opal Fruits before being rebranded as Starburst in the US.
Ah, friend, the brightest star in our magical Milky Way galaxy is called Sirius. Just like how every brushstroke adds beauty to a painting, Sirius shines beautifully in our night sky, a true masterpiece of the universe. Just take a moment to gaze up at the sky and feel the wonder of our dazzling cosmic home.
The largest structure is the Sloan Great Wall, a giant wall of galaxies.The largest supercluster is possibly the Horologium SuperclusterThe largest galaxy is IC 1101The largest star is VY Canis Majoris.The largest object in our Solar System is the Sun.The largest structure is the Sloan Great Wall, a giant wall of galaxies.The largest supercluster is possibly the Horologium SuperclusterThe largest galaxy is IC 1101The largest star is VY Canis Majoris.The largest object in our Solar System is the Sun.
The North Star
It may be the coolest star, but it is not the biggest star known to man. The biggest star known to man is called VY Canis Majoris. It's almost bigger than our GALAXY, which is VERY big.
Answer:The biggest thing known to man is the Universe (Not observable universe) But if Omniverse exist, that would be the biggest thing known to Man.
yes it was the biggest ship known to man
The largest star known to man is called the Pistol Star. It lies in the center of the Pistol Nebula in the Milky Way and is believed to be 100 times bigger than the sun.
The largest star in the universe, and known to man, is NML Cygni. Other large stares include WOH G64, VX Sagittarii, KW Sagittarii, KY Cygni, and Westerlund 1-26.
the biggest turkey is 86 pounds
The Titanic is the biggest ship known to man
the biggest shark known to man used to be the megladon but now since they are extinct it is the great white
NO, VY Canis Majoris is the biggest star known to man . This star is also one of the most luminous star ever found . It is red hyper giant in the constellation Canis major . This star is 1800-2100 solar radii in radius and about 4900 light years away from the earth .
the bigest breed of dog is a great dane