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Planet Uranus has a surface area of 3.121 billion sq miles (8.083 billion km²).

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Q: What is the size of planet Uranus surface area?
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What is Uranus' exact size in kilometers?

Uranus has a diameter of approximately 50,724 kilometers.

Does planets with the greatest mass have the greatest surface area?

No, the mass of a planet is not directly related to its surface area. Surface area is determined by the size and shape of the planet, not just its mass. For example, Earth has a smaller mass than Jupiter, but a larger surface area due to its size and composition.

Does the size of the planet Uranus include it's rings?

No. The rings of Uranus are not part of the planet itself.

What is the size comparison of Uranus and Venus?

Uranus is considerably larger than Venus, having about 4.2 times the surface area of Venus. Uranus-51,152 km Venus-12,104 km

What is the Uranus relative size to Earth?

Uranus is about 4 times larger in diameter than Earth, making it the third largest planet in our solar system. However, it is significantly less massive than Earth.

What is the size comparison of Uranus and Mercury?

Uranus is much bigger than Mercury, having 10.2 times the surface area of Mercury. Uranus-51,152 km Mercury-4,880 km

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Which planet is same size as Uranus?

Uranus is similar in size to Neptune, as they are both ice giants and have roughly the same diameter of about 49,000 kilometers.

What planet is similar to Uranus in terms of its size and mass?

Neptune is the planet most similar to Uranus in size and mass. They are both ice giants, with Neptune being slightly larger and more massive than Uranus.

What planet about the same size as Uranus?

Neptune; it is almost as large.

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What planet and Uranus are almost identical planets?

Neptune is the planet that is most similar to Uranus in terms of size, composition, and atmosphere. Both planets are similar in size, composition, and are classified as ice giant planets.