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Sam is 25 years old and his Coach is 75 years old.


Can set this up with variables x and y. X = Sam's Age, Y = Coach's Age.

Our first equation: 3X = Y

second equation: 6(X-15) = Y - 15, Let us expand this equation: 6X - 90 = Y - 15, or 6X - 75 = Y.

Now let us set these equations equal to each other: 6X - 75 = Y and 3X = Y,

so 6X - 75 = 3X

3X = 75, X = 25 - so at current age Sam is 25 years old and his Coach is 75 years old.

You can double check by subtracting 15 from both ages and seeing if Sam's age (25-15=10) multiplied by 6 is equal to the Coach's age (75-15) - which it is: 60.


Another pair of equations in the present:

C = 3S

C-15 = 6(S-15) and substitute 3S for C

3S - 15 = 6S - 90

3S = 6S - 75

3S = 75

S = 25, C = 75

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Q: Sam's coach is three times older than Sam When Sam started soccer 15 years ago his coach was six times his age How old is Sam now?
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