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maybe is time for you to get your battery replaced

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Q: How come if I charge my Ipod touch it doesn't appear charged?
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How do you charge metallic hollow sphere?

touch it with a charged object....

What would happen if a charged balloon were allowed to touch a neutral balloon?

When a charged balloon is allowed to touch a neutral balloon, some of the charge from the charged balloon will transfer to the neutral balloon. This transfer of charge will cause both balloons to become slightly charged.

Does an ipod touch have to be charged on the computer?

No you can charge it in a wall just buy a

What happens when you touch a charged object?

When you touch a charged object, the excess charge will flow between you and the object, leading to a transfer of electrons. This can result in a mild shock or spark, depending on the amount of charge and the conductivity of the objects involved.

Can you charge Ipod touch on Xbox360?

Yes, My Ipod touch gets charged in my xbox 360 whilst i play it.

How long do you charge an ipod touch when you first get it?

i charged mine for like 2 hours

When you get your ipod touch what should u do charge fo 30 mins or is it all ready charged?

Charge for 30 minutes.

Is it necessary for a charged body to touch the ball of the electroscope for the leaves to diverge?

No, charged body doesn't need to touch the ball. The presence of a charged body near the electroscope is enough to cause the leaves to diverge due to the transfer of charge.

What happens when we touch a charged electroscope with our fingers?

When we touch a charged electroscope with our fingers, the excess charge on the electroscope is neutralized by our body, causing the electroscope to discharge and lose its charge. As a result, the leaves of the electroscope will collapse back together.

When you charge an electroscope by touching it with a charged balloon the process is called?

The process is called "charging by conduction." When you touch a charged balloon to the electroscope, electrons transfer from the balloon to the electroscope, causing the electroscope to become charged.

Discharge a charged object?

To discharge a charged object, simply touch it with a conductor such as a metal rod or a wire. This allows the excess charge to flow out of the object and into the ground, neutralizing its charge. Be cautious to avoid getting shocked if the object carries a high charge.

Why do the leaves of a charged electroscope collapse if we touch its disc with a metal rod?

When you touch the disc of an electroscope with a charged metal rod, excess charge from the rod is transferred to the electroscope, causing the leaves to acquire the same charge and thus repel each other, collapsing as they move apart due to electrostatic repulsion. This redistribution of charge neutralizes the electroscope, making the leaves collapse.