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If the frequency of genotype AA is p^2, where p is the frequency of allele A, then the frequency of genotype AA would be p^2.

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Q: What is the frequency of genotype AA if the frequencies of AA?
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What would be the heterozygosity of a population with allele frequencies of 0.6 and 0.4 for the two alleles and an inbreeding coefficient F of 0.40?

The formula to calculate heterozygosity in a population is H = 2pq(1-F) where p and q are allele frequencies and F is the inbreeding coefficient. Given allele frequencies of 0.6 and 0.4, and an inbreeding coefficient of 0.40, the heterozygosity would be H = 2 * 0.6 * 0.4 * (1-0.40) = 0.288.

Can parent with as and AA genotype give birth to ac genotype?

No, a parent with AS and AA genotype cannot give birth to a child with AC genotype. The parent can only pass on either the A allele or the S allele to their child, resulting in genotypes of either AA or AS.

What does p2 represent in the Hardy-Weinberg equation?

In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, p2 represents the frequency of the homozygous dominant genotype in a population for a specific gene. It represents the proportion of individuals in the population that have two copies of the dominant allele.

Which population in the hardy- weinberg equilibrium will become increasingly smaller if homozgotes selectively mate with individuals of the same genotype?

Heterozygotes. If AA X AA, or AA X AA, is all the mating allowed, then Aa will lose frequency in the population.

How calculate the frequency of alleles in population?

To calculate the frequency of alleles in a population, you would count the number of each specific allele present and divide by the total number of alleles in the population. This can be represented as a fraction or decimal. For example, if there are 200 alleles for a specific gene in a population and 50 of them are the "A" allele, the frequency of the "A" allele would be 50/200 = 0.25 or 25%.

What is the percent probability that one child of a mother with the genotype AAA and a father with the genotype AAA will have the genotype AAA?

50% AA and 50% Aa

AAA AAA what are the possible genotypes and phenotypes os their children?

If the parents both have the genotype Aa, their children could have the genotypes AA, Aa, or aa. The possible phenotypes for their children would be individuals with type A blood (AA or Aa genotype) or type O blood (aa genotype).

Can an AA and SS combination produce an SS genotype?

No because AA and SS create the genotype AS :)

What phenotype is produced by AA genotype?

The AA genotype typically produces the phenotype associated with the dominant allele A. This means that the dominant trait will be expressed in the individual with this genotype.

Can a child's genotype be different from that of both parents?

Yes, a child's genotype can be different from that of both parents due to genetic variations and recombination during the formation of gametes, which can result in unique combinations of genes in the child. Additionally, spontaneous mutations can also lead to differences in the child's genotype compared to the parents.

If the male parent has the genotype AAA and the female parent has the genotype AAA offsprings genotype will be?

The offspring's genotype will be AA. Both parents are homozygous dominant, AA, having only dominant alleles to pass on to their offspring. So each parent can pass on only the dominant allele (A) to its offspring. So the offspring will also be homozygous dominant, AA.

What equation would a biologist use to determine the genotype frequency for the homozygous organisms within a gene pool?

the equation you would use would be Aa=2pq