A faulty alternator can produce the wrong kind of voltage and that would be either too low or not properly converted to DC. Not converted properly would lead to sensors in almost all cars misreading things like temperature, voltage, air flow etc. This can cause engine performance problems. The most common failure though is no voltage which leads to battery charging problems.
You can have the alternator tested free of charge at just about any major auto parts store. By the way, a bad alternator will not "discharge" a battery - the alternator's function is to provide the charge to the battery. If the alternator is faulty, then it is not providing the charge necessary to keep other components from discharging the battery. I had the alternator tested and it was charging. If the alternator has a bad diode, it will discharge the battery. I replaced the alternator and everything is fine.
Sounds Like Your Voltage Regulator Is Bad. This Is Inside The Alternator On Most Cars. You May Have To Remove It For A Test. But Lots Of Parts Houses Can Test Unit On The Car. Also Your Battery May Be Weak. Start With The Alternator First. Good Luck The alternator could be marginal. If one or more of the diodes are faulty the alternator will not be capable of producing enough current. You should be able to have the alternator tested at a local auto parts retailer such as checker, Kragen or Auto Zone. If a diode is faulty those tests can certainly detect it.
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If the battery, drive belt and wiring are okay then I would suspect the alternator is faulty. Your local auto parts store can test the charging system for you at no cost.
The four main parts of a car's alternator are the regulator, rotor, stator, and diode bridge.
Faulty reasoning might accidentally lead to the right answer. Different parts in the faulty reasoning may cancel each other out. If faulty reasoning consistently gives the correct answer, then it is opinion and not fact that the reasoning was faulty in the first place. Research is the best method to determine opinion from facts.
A method for checking faulty parts are reworked and repaired . So that no faulty parts get to their customer.
Yes get a replacement as it could damage other parts of your system
If the alternator is bolted on too tight on its bracket,then it will cause the alternator to have a "bend" so that the clearance between the moving parts is reduced and the moving parts eventually jammed.
Alternators have two parts, one is the armature that generates electricity and the other is a voltage regulator. In most cars the typical output for an alternator is 13.2 to 14.4 volts. If their is more or less than this being produced, the voltage regulator may be faulty or the bushes may be worn. another issue that some alternators have is the failure of the bearings inside the alternator leading to noisy running or the bearings inside the freewheeling pulley fitted to more and more modern alternators. these can often be replaced independently.
Contact your local auto parts store, they will have or can get you the parts needed.