I would use some new wire, preferring the black kind to the other colors.
remote wire is to control amp, bass coming from subs, and the frequency
Yes a remote wire is necessary. You must wire the remote wire from the amp to and ignition source of power (a component which turns on when the ignition in the car is engaged.) i.e. the radio. The remote wire signals for the amp to power on.
You only need the remote wire if you have an external amp.
Why bypass amp just get wiring diagram and hook up remote"blue wire" to the remote lead from factory amp. Or unplug amp use a meter and check which wire has power. Then turn off radio and check wire again should have no power with radio off. This will only work if factory radio is still installed. But that wire would be remote wire. Just hook up new radio remote wire to the found wire. Then connect speakers to factory plugs and use the amp.
Easy way to check were the problem is take a 6" piece of wire. Unhook the remote wire from your amp. Then hookup your 6" piece of wire to amp remote terminal then take other end and connect to the 12+ terminal. If amp powers up the its in the headunit. If amp does not powerup or goes into protect mode the amp is problem.
The remote amp turn on a 2012 Dodge Ram 1500 is the wire that taps on the harness to supply the 12v.
It is use to turn on external amp
Amp always on
The Remote wire is for the installation of an amplifier. When you install the amp, you have a power (+12V) and ground wire to power the amp, but if you did not have a remote wire, it would drain all of your battery power while you were away from the car (because it would continually suck energy from it); however, without the remote signal coming from the CD player, the amp does not turn on. Does that answer your question? Basically, unless you're installing an amp, don't mess with it.
If you are hooking up an amp, you have to run your own remote wire or branch off the antenna power wire.
Yes, the remote wire that hooks up to the stereo tells the amp to turn on, it works like a switch. If that is hooked up properly check your ground.
When runing the remote wire to the positive on,your amp it will stay on when the key is on or off but if you run ur remote wire to the radio fuse in ur fuse box it will cut the ampoff when key is off and with key on itll turn amp on