Distance: 883.24 miles - Time: 13:54 h
It is about 54 miles so it would take about an hour.
Driving distance: 172.1 miles / 276.97 kilometers - Time: 2:54 h
Distance: 3,441.26 miles - Time: 54:50 h
115 miles, about 1 hour and 54 mins via I-26 West.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 8 hours and 54 minutes and gives the distance as 505 miles.
The driving distance from Houston TX to Las Vegas NV is 1,457 road miles - about 54 hours driving time.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 3 hours and 54 minutes.
It is 522 miles and an estimated driving time of 8 hours and 54 minutes according to Google Maps.
54 miles
Distance: 680.47 miles / 1,095.11 kilometers - Time: ~10:54 h
about 54 miles