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3B + 3C = 24 (so B + C = 8)

4B - 4C = 16 (so B - C = 4)

Now we can use:

B + C = 8

B - C = 4

Add the equations:

2B = 12

Boat = 6

Subtract the equations:

2C = 4

Current = 2


With the current, the boat moves down the river at (6+2)=8 mph, or 24 m in 3 h.

Against the current, it moves up the river at (6-2)=4 mph, or 16 m in 4 h.

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Q: A boat can travel 24 mi in 3 hr when traveling with a current Against the same current it can travel only 16 mi in 4 hr Find the rate of the current and the rate of he boat in still water?
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