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(354 miles) / (11 gallons) = (354 / 11) = 32.18mpg ===> over the kind of route, in the kind of traffic, and during the kind of driving conditions that comprised this particular 354-mile run.

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Q: A car travels 354 miles on 11 gallons of gasoline the best estimate of the cars miles per gallon is?
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What is the car's miles per gallon if the car travels 354 miles on 11 gallons of gasoline?

32.18 (rounded)

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1 gallon equals 1 gallon of gasoline.

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28.6 x 15 = 429 miles.

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david bought 15 gallons of gasoline. his total cost was $13.60. how much was the gasoline per gallon?

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523 miles: 16.2 gallons of gasoline1 mile: 523/16.2 or 32.3 gallons of gasoline. (32.28...≈ 32.3, because 8 > 5)

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12 gallons of gasoline weighs about 75.6 pounds @6.3 pounds per gallon.

Weight of a Gallon of gasoline?

The weight of a gallon of gasoline is approximately 6.3 pounds.

A gallon of gasoline is 3.8liters a car takes about 20 gallon of gasoline how many liters is that?

To convert 20 gallons to liters, simply multiply by the conversion factor of 3.8 (liters per gallon). Therefore, 20 gallons x 3.8 liters/gallon = 76 liters. So, a car that takes about 20 gallons of gasoline would require approximately 76 liters.