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Q: A road climbs 30 feet as you travel a horizontal distance of 500 feet. What is the best estimate of how much longer the road distance is than the horizontal distance?
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What does slope have to do with distance?

The slope distance, like walking up a hill, is always longer than the horizontal distance. A map shows horizontal (flat) distance and does not take onto account the extra distance to go up and down from one point to another.

What would happen if the initial horizontal velocity was increased?

Increasing the initial horizontal velocity of an object would cause it to cover more horizontal distance in the same amount of time, leading to a longer horizontal range. The object would maintain the same vertical acceleration due to gravity, so it would still follow a parabolic trajectory but reach a farther horizontal distance before hitting the ground.

What is a high and low slope?

A high slope refers to a steep incline, meaning the elevation increases quickly over a short horizontal distance. A low slope, on the other hand, indicates a gentle incline with a gradual increase in elevation over a longer horizontal distance.

Is length horizontal or diagonal?

Length is a measurement that typically refers to the longer side or dimension of an object, usually running horizontally or vertically. It is not considered diagonal, which refers to a measurement taken at an angle across the object.

How does the angle of release affect the motion of a projectile both vertical and horizontal?

Smaller angles will result in a larger horizontal velocity and smaller vertical velocity. The times of flight will also be shorter since it's closer to the ground. Larger angles have a larger vertical velocity and smaller horizontal velocity. Time of flight will be much longer since it is higher above the ground. As for distance, 45 degrees will result in the greatest distance and for every distance before the furthest one there is an angle above 45 degrees and an angle below 45 degrees that will result in that distance.

Will a ball thrown almost horizontally go the furthest?

No, a ball thrown at an angle of around 45 degrees will typically go the furthest. This launch angle combines vertical and horizontal components of velocity to achieve the maximum range. A ball thrown almost horizontally will have a lower trajectory and be affected more by air resistance, causing it to have a shorter range.

Why does the height of a ramp affect the distance?

The height of a ramp affects the distance because it determines the angle at which an object is launched off the ramp. A higher ramp will result in a greater launch angle, allowing the object to travel a longer distance compared to a lower ramp. This is due to the increase in the horizontal component of the initial velocity imparted to the object.

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Horizontal photography is creating images that are longer in length rather than in height. EX:

Which way is length?

Length is the horizontal measurement and the vertical one is height. If there are 2 horizontal ones then length is the longer one, and the other one is breadth, or width.

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Maintaining a consistent speed over a longer distance can reduce congestion, improve traffic flow, and increase overall efficiency on the road. It also helps drivers plan and estimate their travel time more accurately, leading to a smoother and safer driving experience.

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6 feet is a longer distance.

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Julian walked a distances of 2 meters Keira walked a distance of 300 centimeters. which distance is longer?