ASK the lender.
The LENDER keeps such records and will share them with you ultimately.
The place to go to find out about repossessed cars being sold is through the USA government websites. The cars are being sold at auctions and this would be where to find out.
There is nothing you can do till the car is sold.
NO. It can be sold any way the bank wants it to be sold
Buying a repossessed car today can be a great way to save money, but be careful to inspect the car to be sure there are no hidden problems since they are typically sold "as is". Some dealers specialize in repossessed cars and you can also find them at a local auction.
They will auction the car and you will have to pay the difference of what you owe and what the car sold for.
If your car is repossessed and you want to get it back, you can contact the finance company and clear any outstanding payments. They may agree to return your vehicle to you if they have not already sold it but be warned that lenders try and sell repossessed vehicles as quickly as possible to try and recoup funds. The finance companies often sell the repossessed vehicles at a car auction. Here they can be sold "as seen" and at a lower price than market value, thus they can be sold quickly. It is often possible to find out which auction your car is being sold at and you can get your repossessed vehicle back yourself by attending the car auction and bidding.
Yes. Usually the loan holder will be held responsible for any deficit and perhaps fees that are incurred when the car is sold.
Once a car has been repossessed, you as the owner of the vehicle have the obligation to repay any amount still owed on the loan. Once a car is repossessed, it is often sold in a repossessed cars auction by the finance company. The amount which the car was sold for will be deducted from the total loan amount and then the difference will be owed by yourself. So yes you would have to pay the whole vehicle off if it was repossessed.