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60 miles.

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Q: How far would a car go in an hour traveling at 60 mph?
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A car traveling at 10 miles per hour would travel 10 miles in one hour.

If a Car is traveling 65 miles per hour how far does it travel in 2 hours?

If a Car is traveling 65 miles per hour, it will travel 130 miles in two hours.

How far will a car travel in 1 hour and 45 minutes?

You forgot so say at what speed the car is traveling. I suppose if you're traveling at 60 miles per hour for one hour and forty five minutes, you'd go 75 miles.

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157.5 miles

How far is Galilee from Mt Carmel?

If traveling by car, 107 km - about 1 hour 19 minutes.

How far would bikers travel in 1 hour if they were traveling 8 miles per hour?

Really? ... 8 MILES PER HOUR! The would travel EIGHT MILES IN AN HOUR!

If traveling 45miles per hour for 75 seconds how far would you of traveled?

4,950 feet.

How far would a car go in an hour?

Depends on how fast the car is going.

How far can a car go traveling 60 mph in 8 hours?

480 miles. (60 miles an hour x 8 hours)

How far would a car go in 3 hours traveling at 60 mph?

180 miles.

How far does a car traveling at 25 mph go in 1 second?

How far does a car traveling at 25 mph go in 1 second25 miles / hour = 25 x 5,280 feet per hour = 132,000 feet per hour132,000 / 60 minutes per hour = 2200 feet per minute2,200 feet / 60 seconds per minute = 36.66 feet per second