3 hours, 53.38 sseconds
The driving distance is 196 miles. The time needed to drive is 2 hours and 59 minutes.
Wow - finally a rocket science question. 196 / 80 = 2.45 hours. However, this does not take acceleration nor deceleration into account.
Visalia to Monterey is around 196 miles, and takes about 3 hours and 20 minutes to drive.
About 2 days.
3 hours 16 minutes at 60 mph
2 hours, 48 minutes
If you mean Tucson, Arizona to Bell, Pine-top-Lakeside Arizona, it is approximately 196 miles and will take 4 hours 27 minutes to drive.
Distance: 195 miles (about 3 hours 27 minutes by car) :]
It is 196 miles according to Google Maps.
Depends on how many miles per gallon the car you are driving gets which you fail to mention.