2 hours 39 minutes.
212 miles 3 hrs 48 minutes or 209 miles 3 hrs 57 minutes
Google maps says 3 hrs and 37 minutes for the 212 miles trip.
According to google map it is 212 miles, so if you are travelling at a steady 50 mph it will take you around 4 1/2 hours.
3.0286 hours (rounded)
212 ÷ 65 = 3.2615384623.26 hours
3hours 15minutes 41.5seconds (rounded)
The drive from North Rim, AZ to Grand Canyon Village on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon is 212 miles and an estimated 4 hour and 24 minute drive according to Google Maps.
373120 yards
New York City to Cambridge, MA is 212 miles. Traveling by car takes 3 hours and 40 minutes in light traffic. During rush hour and heavy traffic the drive can take 4 hours and 20 minutes.
212 square miles = 135,680 acres.
It isn't. At 212 miles, by world standards it is tiny.