5 hours 6 minutes.
The drive is 383 miles, with a drive time of about 6 hours, assuming you take the Interstate (I-5) rather than the coast highway.
If you average 65 miles per hour for the entire distance your driving time would be about 6 hours.
It is 383 miles between Indianapolis, IN and LaCrosse, WI.
It is 383 miles with an estimated driving time of 6 hours and 35 minutes according to Google Maps.
Cedar Point to Memphis, TN is approximately 715 miles which will take about 11 hours to drive. Cedar Point to Memphis, MI is approximately 165 miles which will take about 3 hours to drive. Cedar Point to Memphis, NY is approximately 383 miles which will take about 6 hours to drive. Cedar Point to Memphis, IL is approximately 348 miles which will take about 5 hours and 40 minutes to drive.
Multiply by 1.609 = 383 x 1.609 km
That depends on the economy your Yukon gets and the price of fuel. Please ask a new question and include more info.
Answer: 383 km = 237.985 mi.
The driving distance from Memphis Tennessee to Atlanta Georgia is 383 miles via US-78 East per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 6 hours.
By road, the trip from St. Louis to Miami (about 1217 miles) is more than three times as long as the trip to Milwaukee (only about 383 miles).
383 miles