There are 398 miles from Barcelona to Gap. It will take about 6 hours to drive.
About 5 hours 18 minutes. This is the actual driving time at that speed and does not include slowing, accelerating or stopping during the trip.
Driving from Louisville, KY to Chapel Hill, NC would take about 9 hours. It is 532 miles driving distance and 398 miles "as the crow flies"
398 miles.
To drive from Westerly, RI to Dumfries, VA will take about 7 hours 10 minutes with no traffic. The trip is a distance of 398 miles.
It is 398 Mi. and it Takes 7 hrs. 11 min.
398 miles = 640.5 km
from Charlotte NC it would take 398 miles
398 miles
398 miles
The distance between London and Aberdeen is 398 miles, or 640 km. It is just over a nine hour drive by car.
398 miles