The driving distance is 402 miles, driving time about 7 hours
402/19 = 21.16 gallons (rounded)
402 miles is 707,520 yards.
The river Garonne is 647 km long (402 miles).
It depends upon which way your going. If you take I-35 its about 409 miles, if you take US-77 its about 402 miles and if you take I-45 its 478 miles
402 miles
402 miles
The road distance is 402 miles, after that it depends on what you drive and how heavy your foot is on the accelerator. At 30 miles per gallon, about 13/14 gallons
646.956 km
402 miles
402 miles
It is approximately 322 - 402 miles, depending on route, and would take approximately 6 hours and 22 minutes - 8 hours and 3 minutes depending on the route.