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It depends on how fast you can go.

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Q: How long does it take to drive 439 miles?
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How long does it take to drive 439 miles doing 60 miles an hour?

439 minutes. about a mile per minute, so 4 hours and 39 minutes.

How many miles is it from Buffalo NY to Long Island NY?

about 420 miles to drive

How long is the drive from Atlanta to universal studio?

The total distance between the two locations is 440 miles. It will take about 6 hours and 15 minutes. This depends on traffic.

How many feet are in 439 miles?

439 miles is 2,317,900 feet.

How long is 439 miles in hours?

probably 9 and a 1/2 hours

How many miles does it take to get to the White House from Boston MA?

It is 439 miles according to Google Maps.

How many miles per hour is 439 knots?

439 knots=505.192178 miles per hour

How much gas should it take to drive 439 miles?

This question makes about as much sence as asking how much air can you breath in a day................... This is the reason you should stay in school. Basic math is all you use to determine the if a vehicle gets 10 miles to the gallon, it will drive 440 miles with 40 gallons...........YOU DO THE MATH

How long does it take to drive 1439 miles?

1, 439 minutes, assuming your cruise control is set at a steady 60mph. Keep in mind, this is a give-or-take-some-odd-minutes, depending on how frequently you stop. This goes for bathroom breaks, tank fill-ups, stop lights/signs, etc.

What is the distance in miles from Akron Ohio to new york NY?

About 439 miles.

How many miles on a scale bar is it from washington dcto boston?

439 miles

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