6 hours and 57 minutes.
It is 452 miles and an estimated 8 hour drive according to Google Maps.
About 13.1 hours.
452 miles, 7 and 1/2 hours
The drive from Toronto to Ottawa is 452 km - about 4 hours 42 mins.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 8 hours and 42 minutes. Their chosen route is via Montreal and has a road distance of 452 miles.
452 mailes = 727.4234 kilometers
5hours 39minutes of driving, plus stops for gas, food, and pits, and you should allow at least an additional 30 minutes for the traffic stop and speeding citation.
There are 1.609344 kilometres in one mile. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 452 kilometres is equal to 452/1.609344 = 280.86 miles.
452 miles when you take interstate 40 west.
It is approximately 281 miles (452 km).
452 miles