7 hours 20 minutes at 65 mph
8 hours, 40 minutes, 21.82 seconds
The distance between Seattle, WA, and Missoula is 477 miles and will take approximately 7 Hours of driving time.
According to my fav map site it is 477 miles via Interstate 5 and 598 miles via California State Route 299. The speed is up to the driver and road conditions but at an avg. speed of 65 mph the 477 mile trip is nearly 7.5 hours and the 598 mile trip is nearly 9.5 hours.
477 miles
296 Miles or 477 Kilometers about 5 hour 3 minute drive
Driving Distance: 477 milesDriving Duration: 7 hours 17 minsRoute: I-80 W
477 miles
477 miles
477 miles
It is 477 miles according to Google Maps.
Take the High Road - 1980 1-477 was released on: USA: 1 October 1987