8 hours and 51 minutes i.e 498 miles
7 hours, 6 minutes, 51.43 seconds
Google Maps says that it is a 498 mile drive and will take you 7 hours 53 minutes.
At what speed? 20 MPH, 498 minutes 60 MPH, 166 minutes 75 MPH, 132.8 minutes
Total travel time from Brisbane, Qld to the Town of Seventeen Seventy (1770) is around six and a half hours. It is a distance of 498 km.
Drive southeast for 498 miles via Chattanooga, Marrietta and Macon according to GoogleMaps.
498 miles
14.2 miles
It is 498 miles according to Google Maps.
498 kilometres = 309.442854 miles
It is 498 miles according to Google Maps.
498 00km