At 65 MPH average, about 7 hr 47 min.
Depends on the speed when traveling, and how long you stop. We cannot give you an answer based on the information at hand.
It is 506 miles and an estimated drive of 9 hours and 3 minutes according to Google Maps.
7 hours, 506 miles
It is 506 miles long from end to end.
506 km = 314 miles, approx.
To drive from San Francisco in California to Lorane in Oregon is approximately 506 miles if you follow the I-5 going North and would take about 8 hours and 52 minutes.
506 km is equal to 316 miles. 1 mile is roughly 1.6 km.
The drive would be 506 km - about 5 hours 19 mins and up to 6 hours 20 mins in traffic.See the link below for a map with driving directions.
The drive would be 506 km - about 5 hours 19 mins and up to 6 hours 20 mins in traffic.See the link below for a map with driving directions.
506 miles
506 miles