7 hours.
It would take .525 of an hour to drive 21 miles at 40mph without traffic, or a little over half an hour.
It is 525 miles and an estimated driving time of 10.75 miles according to Google Maps.
At 15 meters per second it will take the car 15 hours 40 minutes to cover 525 miles.
It's about 525 miles and should take around 7 and a half to 8 hours to drive.
It is 1 hour and 51 minutes according to Google Maps.
It is 525 miles.
The Betsiboka River in Madagascar is approximately 525 kilometers (326 miles) long.
525 km = 326 miles.
525 feet equates to approximately 0.0994 miles.
If you drive the vehicle nicely at a very reasonable speed you should be able to go approximately 525 miles in a short cab and 675 miles in a long cab.