That would depend on the speed.
At an average 60 mph: 11 hours, 32 minutes
The total distance between the two locations is 692 miles. It will take about 10 hours and 35 minutes.
429.98886 miles in 692 km
It would be about 692 miles and take about 11 hours.
It will take you about 7.5 hours to drive the 430 miles (692 km) between the two locations. Of course, that will depend on the route you take and how fast you drive. It also does not account for any stops you might make along the way.
About 692 air miles.
3miles 692 miles
About 692 miles.
That is 429 miles, 1740.4 yards.
Approx 692 miles
That depends on how fast you are driving and things like weather conditions, quality of roads, traffic etc. So there is no real answer to the question.